You must have heard many people adding alsi or flax seeds to their diet. It is one of the most important oil seeds and the oldest superfoods in the world.
Alsi seeds are a rich source of fiber, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. It can be consumed in various ways. Some people sprinkle it over salads and others add it to food in roasted form. Some people consume it with water in the morning.
Alsi seeds are known to have several medical benefits. Consuming it regularly can help improve the digestion system and manage constipation. It is also helpful in losing weight. It is also used for dandruff control and promoting hair growth. Some people apply it to their skin to manage skin inflammation and allergies.
If you search “alsi ke fayde” on Google, it will show that it is also effective against low cholesterol and fighting cancer. While alsi seeds don’t taste great, they have several health benefits. If you want to know more about alsi khane ke fayde, you should give this post a read.
What are alsi seeds?
Alsi in English is known as flax seeds. It is also popular as “miracle flax” among health-conscious people. It is a type of oil seed that is a great source of dietary protein. Consuming it regularly is considered to be beneficial for both old and young people.
Alsi ke bij is around 6 mm long and has an oval shape. It has a smooth, shiny, and golden-brown colour. It is also known as linseed in industrial applications. Alsi in Hindi and other Indian languages is known as jawas, akse bija, and alsi.
Alsi ke beej is easily available. Go to any supermarket and you will find dozens of flax seeds products such as energy bars, cereals, confectionery, etc. They also sell alsi ka tel which can be applied to the skin.
Alsi seeds benefits have been known for centuries. People in the Palaeolithic era also used flax seeds. The Egyptians used linseed and linen for the mummifying procedures to preserve the body before burying it.
So you can see how flax seeds have been used by humans for centuries. Even before scientific research proved the benefits of alsi seeds, people used them for various purposes.
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Nutritional Value of Alsi
Now that you know alsi meaning in English, let’s take a look at its nutritional value.
- It is a rich source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and organic acids.
- It is a storehouse of minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese. It also has some amount of sodium.
- It contains a good amount of vitamin B1, protein, and fibre.
- It is one of the best sources of lignans in our diet.
- It also contains vitamins K, E, C, B3, B5, and B6.
Nutrient | Percentage |
Protein | 20 |
Fat | 41 |
Total dietary fibre | 28 |
Monosaturated fat | 18.0 |
Saturated fat | 9.0 |
Linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) | 16.0 |
Plant-based omega-3 fatty acid | 57.0 |
The high nutritional value of alsi seeds is what makes alsi oil so popular among users. Alsi seeds in English scientific name is Linum usitatissimum. It is one of the most useful annual herbs in the world.
Since we are talking about Alsi seeds, don’t get confused with the Hindi word “Alsi” which means lazy. If you search for alsi ka vilom shabd, Google will show you the opposite word for alsi (lazy). To search for alsi seeds benefits in Hindi, you should mention Flax seeds.
Why add alsi seeds to your diet?
People consume alsi ke laddu, alsi ke oil, and many other similar food items for the benefits it offers. If you search for alsi ke beej ke fayde on Google, you will get to know all the health and medical benefits associated with it.
If you are wondering why to add alsi seed to your diet, we will give you some solid reasons.
- Healthy heart
One of the biggest alsi benefits is that it helps keep your heart healthy. Alsi seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are actually “good fats.” Consuming flax seeds in your diet can help reduce cholesterol levels. The high fiber content in asli seeds traps cholesterol in the digestive tract and thus, prevents it from getting absorbed by your body.
Those who want to know alsi ke fayde in Hindi, should know that flax seeds are effective against heart arrhythmias. Not only that, but it also prevents the hardening of arteries due to plaque deposition.
- Balance hormones
Alsi seeds in Hindi contain lignans which are a very important plant antioxidant and hormone. It has estrogenic properties that can be beneficial to women.
Estrogen levels go down after women hit menopause. Taking flax seeds can restore the estrogen levels in the body and also protect the heart, bones, and other internal organs. It also has other benefits like hormone balancing and anti-aging. It is also known to keep your body cells healthy.
Some studies show that flax seeds are good for controlling hot flashes. Lignans in alsi are also known for their high antibacterial and anti-viral properties.
- Helps in digestion
Alsi plants and seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber. It helps delay the passage of food through the GI tract. As a result, nutritional absorption in the small intestine increases.
Fibre is also good for detoxing your colon. By adding alsi seeds in your diet, you can control sugar cravings. It is also helpful for people who want to lose weight.
We have already discussed alsi ko English mein kya kahate hain. So it should be easier for you to learn about the benefits of alsi in English.
- Gluten-free
This is another good thing about alsi seed. Most grains we consume are rich in gluten. For example, wheat. But flax seeds have a very low gluten percentage. This makes it anti-inflammatory.
If you search alsi seeds in English, you will find that it is capable of reducing inflammation in any part of your body. It is highly beneficial for people with auto-immune diseases. Patients with celiac disease can also add flax seeds to their diet.
- Fights cancer
Flax seeds in English are known to have cancer-fighting properties. Studies have shown that plant-based omega-3 fatty acids can prevent the growth of tumors.
Alsi seeds being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial for cancer patients. It is proven to be very effective against breast cancer.
- Rich in magnesium
One of the best alsi seeds benefits is that it is a rich source of magnesium which is an important mineral for our body.
Consumption of flax seeds daily can help you get stronger muscles. In case, you didn’t know magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, sore muscles, and fatigue. You can improve your muscle health by taking alsi seeds in your food.
After reading the above paragraphs, you know what is alsi seeds and what are their benefits. This should be a good enough reason for you to add flax seeds to your regular diet. You can either have it with water or add it to your food.
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Benefits of Alsi Seeds
Alashi seeds have several medical benefits. By consuming it regularly in your diet, you can see a noticeable difference in your health. Now that you know what is alashi in English, let’s discuss its benefits.
- Anti-diabetic
Flax or tisi seeds are rich in lignan which is great for type 2 diabetic patients. Studies have shown that it is very effective in glycemic control. Additionally, it doesn’t cause any significant change in lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, and fasting glucose.
- Antioxidant activity
Alsi seed in English is known as flax seeds which are rich in ant-oxidants. It can help prevent early signs of aging and also make your immune system strong. It can also control pigmentation.
The antioxidant activity in alsi flax seeds can control cholesterol levels. This is why doctors recommend patients add flax seeds to their diet.
- Lifestyle-related diseases
Alsi English name is flax which is effective in reducing the liver and visceral fat accumulation. It is also capable of improving hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperleptinemia. By consuming flax seeds, you can also reduce your weight.
Studies have shown that alsi seeds are good for heart health. It is proven to be helpful in lifestyle-related diseases like atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension. It can also lower some symptoms of inflammation.
- Anti-cancer activity
Agasi seeds in English are known as flax. It is capable of fighting cancer and proved to be very effective against breast cancer.
A study conducted on tisi seeds in English has shown that regular consumption of alsi seeds can stimulate various hormones in the body. This in return can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
- Improves bone health
Jawas seeds in English are known as flax seeds. It contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which is very good for bone health. It can help make your bones stronger and healthier.
- Digestive Health
Now that you know what is alsi, you should also know that it is very good for your digestive health. According to studies, it is capable of altering the development of polycystic kidney diseases.
- Skin health
Javas seeds in English are known as flax seeds. It has various benefits for the skin. Applying flaxseed oil on your skin can reduce allergies and inflammation. It is also effective against certain skin disorders, such as dryness, lack of glow, and luster.
- Other conditions
The benefits of agasi seeds are truly endless. Studies have shown that flax seeds are beneficial for people suffering from lupus. It is a great hepatoprotective agent.
Tesi seed is rich in bioactive components that play an important role in hormonal balance. It is also very effective in managing liver diseases.
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How to use alsi seeds?
After reading about alsi ke beej in English, you would want to know how to use it. For the best results, you should add it to your daily diet. This can be done in various ways, which include the following:
- You can use teesi seeds oil as a food supplement. It is good for both young and old people.
- Another use of alsi seeds is to add them to milkshakes or smoothies. First ground the arsi seeds and then add them to your drink along with other ingredients.
- Flax seed in English can be used as a substitute for eggs as it contains gelatinous properties.
- You can consume alsi seeds with plain water in the morning.
- It can be added to your food in roasted form.
- You can also sprinkle it over salad.
Alsi seeds meaning in English flax. It can be used in various ways. It’s up to your preference how you want to use or consume it.
Do alsi seeds have side effects?
Avisa seeds in English have a few side effects. Before you add it to your diet, you should learn about the side effects as well.
- It contains some anti-nutrients, such as cyanogenic glycosides, which can have adverse effects on your health.
- It contains phytic acid which reduces the absorption of nutrients such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium, and magnesium in your body.
- The cyanogenic glycosides are a potent respiratory inhibitor. Long-term exposure to it can lead to iodine deficiency.
- Women consuming alsi seeds might feel a little bloated. In some cases, it can also cause mild diarrhea.
The benefits of alsi seeds are many. But at the same time, it also has some side effects. This is why it is advised you consult a dietician or doctor before adding it to your diet. A professional will be able to help you better.
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Alsi seeds are consumed by millions of people for various reasons. It has an array of health benefits that is too hard to ignore. It is good for your heart, digestive system, bones, and muscles. Adding it to your diet can help you develop a strong immune system. However, it has some negative side effects. So before adding it to your food, you should take the opinion of a doctor.
What are the benefits of Alsi?
Alsi seeds are good for your heart health, digestion, and bones. It is also capable of fighting breast cancer.
What is the English name of Alsi?
Alsi seeds in English are known as flax seeds. It is one of the oldest superfoods in the world.
Are Alsi seeds hot or cold?
Consumption of alsi seeds is known to control hot flashes.
What is the price of Alsi 1 kg?
The cost of 1kg alsi is around Rs 100.
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