Facebook seems to be working on changing its default reaction button to the post from “Like” to “Love.”
To quickly and easily express how something you see in the News Feed of Facebook makes you feel, back in February 2016, the company made five more reactions available globally apart from just the Like response.
For more than a year, Facebook conducted several types of global research, including surveys and focus groups. The company has also checked the top emotions and stickers commented on the news feed posts.
And then it added Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry reactions to its news feed posts. To add a reaction to the post, you have to hold down the Like button on mobile or have to hover over the Like button on the desktop to see the reaction image options, and then tap on the one which you wanted to.
But now, it appears that Facebook wants to change the default reaction to “Love” from “Like.”
The reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong with handle @wongmjane revealed the change on Twitter. She posted, “Facebook is working on possibly showing different reactions other than “Like” by default.”

The screenshot posted by her shows Like and Love reactions with Love as the default reaction. And apart from this, there is no further information on the other reactions whether they will remain the same or not.
We have nothing more than just this piece of information. And we are eagerly waiting that when Facebook is going to update this. So, stay tuned for the update!