Gaming crossovers are always welcomed by the game lovers. However, there are a very few games that have witnessed crossover. The few are Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Marvel Vs Volcom, and Street Fighter X Tekken. Gaming consoles have always loved crossovers and have indulged gaming fanatics. It is, therefore, one of the most popular games, Final Fantasy XV and Shadow of the Tomb Raider are set to crossover.
Crossover not only adds life to the game but also allows users to play it along. Not only that, it provides the much-needed legitimacy to the video game while enhancing the experience many folds.
It was such an amazing coincident for the folks the PAX East event where Square Enix dropped the bomb announcing crossover for two of the most amazing, highly loved, and longest-running gaming franchises. It is expected that the gaming world is going to go upside down with excitement overdrive from those anticipating such crossover since a long time.
However, the saddest part is, the information is scratchy and much in demand about the crossover nitty-gritty. All that you can understand is from a teaser that reflects a shadow of a banner of the Tomb Raider along with the captain. The banner reads “coming soon” and that’s what we all know about the crossover.
All that we have is speculations at this time that Lara Croft may be introduced in the Final Fantasy series as a DLC character. I maybe Sephiroth cross over into the Lara Croft universe. You also can expect a new hybrid title filled with lot many mythoi of both the games.
The most disappointing aspect of the announcement is that the game lovers aren’t going to get a new game any sooner. The building up of the new game is going to get the time.
But, hey, don’t you worry, we will keep you posted as and when the new information arrives.
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