The Fortnite v9.40 patch update will be live when the servers are back from maintenance. Epic Games releases the patch notes for the update. Today update has the epic and legendary forms of the tactical shotgun.
For almost a month, the Epic employees were on holiday, that’s why there is no major Fortnite patch update came. There will be three content updates in a row, such as they will add the new Revolver, drum shotgun, and airstrike in the game. And also, this week’s update will be a patch/client update.
The in-game news feed updated this week to announce the arrival of the next addition to Fortnite Battle Royale, the epic and legendary variants of the tactical shotgun. This update will also have a lot of leaks and maybe the final major update for Fortnite season 9. There are many other bug fixes and twists that a player will see over in Epic’s full patch notes about Fortnite.
Tactical Shotgun – Epic & Legendary
The Tac is back in all new and different forms. You can try out this Epic and Legendary variants now by playing Fortnite.
- New Epic and Legendary Tactical Shotgun.
- 83 / 87 maximum damage.
- 1.5 shots per second.
- It holds eight shells.
- The headshot multiplier is 2.25.
- This tool is available from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, Loot Carriers, and Vending Machines.
- The semi-auto sniper rifle now reduces the zoom while scoped.
- It is a Quality of Life who changes to help improve the usability and also feel of this weapon.
- Combat Shotgun also changes
- It reduces the headshot multiplier from 1.7 to 1.5.
- This update reduces the long-range effectiveness of a Combat Shotgun.
- It reduces the falloff curve ranges from:
- 2.44 tiles (unchanged)
- From 4.88 tiles to 4.39 tiles.
- From 9.77 tiles to 6.84 tiles.
- From 19.53 tiles to 11.72 tiles.
- After observing recent changes to damage falloff, Fortnite decided to reduce its long-range effectiveness further. Also, it alters the curve to fall a bit more in line with other shotguns but, still absorb its unique flavor.
- Vaulted
- Suppressed Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- It is one of the epic and legendary variants.
- Unvaulted
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- It is one of the rare, epic, and legendary forms.
Bug Fixes
- Drum Shotgun is now having the correct environmental damage falloff.
- Fixed a bug in which a pickaxe couldn’t destroy a LaunchPad.
- In the Fortnite picking up an item that fills the stack and creates the overflow, which will be no longer result in the currently equipped item being dropped.
- In this Fortnite update, the overflow will be lost, but it will not cause the currently equipped weapon to be dropped.
- If it is already in the player’s inventory and not maxed out, then players can automatically pick up a consumable.
- In this game, if the auto pickup fills a stack, then the overflow will be dropped.
- Also, the new Glider and Harvesting Tool have been added. It is to Save the World Founder’s Pack owners.
Bug Fixes
- It fixes the issue of involving Supply Drone Boxes, which is not being visible when the players shoot down the Supply Drone.
- If Supply Drones are stuck for too long, then they will be no longer remain stationary.
- Changed Invert “Aircraft Keyboard Controls” to “Invert Airborne Keyboard Controls” in the Options menu to reflect the fact that airborne land vehicles’ controls become inverted in the air.
- Fixed some edge cases involving damage number display rounding down for some shotgun hits.
- When are players building, then the blueprint doors now consistently render?
- Players can now pick up items more easily when standing on top of them.
- The foot controllers can now properly allow players to rotate the next and previous weapons.
- Now, the bushes can not block players from being healed by a Chug Splash.
- If a player using a Shadow Bomb and enters a vehicle, then the Shadow Bomb effect will no longer remain active. Also, the effect will be ended.
- The Chug Splash now properly auto-sorts to the rightmost inventory slot when picked up, like other consumables.
- It fixes the issue in which players are experiencing abnormally slow gliding after using the Rift-to-Go.
- Consumables associated with a bar (Shield Potion, Med Kit, etc.) are now consistently usable by players riding a Zipline.
- This update fixes a rare issue that involves Shadow Bombs that not allow to do wall jumps at certain angles.
- Now, players can’t do a wall jump off of the cornfields by using a Shadow Bomb.
- Now, players can’t do a wall jump off of the Slipstreams by using a Shadow Bomb.
- This update fixed an issue in which the rings for Fortbytes 4, 67, 70, and 89 will not appear even though the player is wearing the correct cosmetic.
- In this to prevent players from exploiting the Deep Dab emote, it now has a delay before players can shoot after starting it.
- It fixes the issue in which damage done to shields were causing the VFX to appear larger than usual and blocking the players’ vision.
- In this, there is an improvement in Foot Controller support.
- It switches over to use dead zone and the max throttle endpoints.
- It has better vehicle control for the Quad Crasher.
- New Tournament: Xbox Cup will start from July 20th & 21st. The cash prize is $1,000,000.
- It is a solo game mode.
- This tournament is available for all players on Xbox One, and it does not require to reach any division in Arena.
- The prize pool will b distributed across all server regions, with official rules. The details will be released later this week. Players have to check the tournament inside the game client for exact times.
- Format:
- In this, all eligible players can participate from July 20th – Round One.
- Top 1500 Players from Round One will go to round two on July 21st.
- New Tournament: The cash prize of Squads Cash Cup July 21st is $1,000,000.
- It is a squad game mode.
- To participate in this event, players are required to reach the Champion League in Arena plays before the start of the game.
- The prize pool will get distributed across all server regions, with official rules. The details will come in this week. For the exact time, check the tournament inside the game client.
- Format:
- Single Day Tournament – July 21st
- Round One: All Eligible Players
- Round Two will have the top 100 Squads from the Round One.
- Now players can choose a flag to display on their career profiles.
- From a player’s profile, it only will be selected and changed.
- The players can’t change their flags again for 30 days after selecting the one.
- When someone visits the player profile or on the tournament leaderboard, then the only flag will be visible.
- For the teams of two or more players, the flag will be visible that the majority of the team has selected. If no majority is there, then the globe flag will be displayed.
- Initially, there will be the launch of 37 total flags. If there will be any addition of flag, then it will be announced in future updates.
- This update Improves the server performance of Zipline.
- It improves client performance, Chug Jug.
- Optimized the way pickaxes are spawned to reduce the chance of loading issues during the initial skydive landing.
- It improves the enemy footstep volume consistency, and change volume falloff to logarithmic to make the sound diminish more naturally.
- Decreased volume of a few sounds:
- Chug Splash explosion.
- Proximity Launcher explosion.
- Added a wall impact audio layer for close-quarters combat as an additional warning that an enemy is shooting a structure, and you are on the opposite side.
Bug Fixes
- The wood, stone, or metal bullet impacts are no longer silent.
- The Revolver equips sound is no longer silent.
- Updates in Escape Menu & Social Panel:
- During a match, the input action that will bring up either the Escape Menu or Social Panel to lobby.
- A third tab is now added to the Social Panel. It contains all voice chat-related functionalities.
- The Escape Menu and Top Bar also received a visual update.
- Now it added the new Edit From Touch setting to enable or disable editing from touches (defaulted to let).
- Now the Bluetooth microphones have been enabled to support the voice chat.
- The emote wheel buttons are now more prominent.
Bug Fixes
- Air Strike shots no longer create broad polygonal outlines.
- This update fixes an issue involving Pump and Combat Shotguns not correctly firing while Auto-Fire is selected.
- This update will resolve the voice chat issues that happened when joining another player’s party.
- Now the chest located in the Neo Tilted hotel is openable.
- Live spectating on mobile will now display the spectator’s UI.
- When players close the game, then they are no longer remain logged into their account.
- A wallet in the Lifetime Refund Screen will now correctly display.
- Leaving the “Show Help” open in the Warm-Up stage will not cause the Button to remain present in the match.
- The text named “Tournament Region” in the Compete tab is more significant.
- Map Marker HUD Layout will not be displayed when it is in the Battle Bus.
- The Emote HUD Layout will only be displayed in vehicles where it is possible to emote.
- Now, players will be able to rotate cosmetics when they are using a touchpad.
- There will be a proper SFX when someone is equipping the Revolver.
- While playing the Llama Bell emote, the graphical improvement on the Wonder outfit is there.
- Proper VFX will be displayed from Storm Eye Glider and Storm Bolt Harvesting Tool.
- Lantern contrail will display adequately in-game.