The Google Pixel phones were usually known for their overall software experience and camera quality. The UI of the Pixel smartphones will be clean and free from bloatware.
Pixel phones are also the best for their in time software up-gradation and support. Only these phones are confirmed to get at least three prime updates of OS, though OnePlus is seemingly sailing on the same boat as well.
It is sure that users enjoy its smooth UI, fast and fluid apps, and multi-tasking. Yet, the Pixel phones are suffering from bugs.
Now, some of the users of first and second-generation Google Pixel phone users are facing some issues with the Android 10 update.
Some of the users noticed that the screen locking and end call tones were missing while some found that the sound of the charging was different.
The issues seem to be because of the relocation of the system sound files. On Android 9 Pie and earlier versions, Google managed to store UI sounds like undocking or docking sounds and screen locking sounds in /product/media/audio directory. Now for the Android 10, that changed. It has moved the sounds to a new location: /system/media/audio. The problem with the Android 10 on the Pixel and Pixel 2 phones thinks the UI sounds are still in the old directory. As a result, the system is trying to get sounds from this old location and cannot locate the files. Android will fall back to the older UI sounds embedded in framework-res.
Clearly, the Pixel call end sound issue is only affecting only those phones, on manual up-gradation to Android 10 by flashing the factory images. This probably explains the small number of affected units.
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