Google seems to have gone a step ahead of all the competitors by connecting its voice command app, Google Assistant to its Google Pay App. Now, you can transact through Google Pay using voice command in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Australia and Canada.
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Facebook Pay, Twitter Pay and Instagram Pay. Well, a first few are a reality, while the pace with which tech companies are introducing their own payment app, it is evident that even facebook and twitter may have their payment app.
Online payment, digital banking, and electronic money are going to be the buzz words of the 3rd decade of the 21st century. The baby steps have already been taken, but giant leaps are yet to be taken. For now, the big tech giants are busy developing technology that can seamlessly integrate with the entire banking and financial system of one big country.
Simplicity has always been Google’s forte, Google Pay is no difference. With google pay, you can shop google products, other apps, pay your utility bills, or go on shopping spree, from ice cream to airplane, you can buy using Google Pay. (You need a bank balance too!)
The user experience so far suggests that instant transactions are widely accepted today. The financial data, bank or credit card details – all prerequisites are available in the app. All you need to do is to click on mic icon and command google about sending X amount to Y. App triggers an order once commanded. The structured order data is provided to the API. API in return seeks user permission, upon permission, the API issues receipt for the transaction.
Google Developer page as explained how the entire system of Google Assistant helping smoothen the transaction with less stress and time.
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