iPhone 8 and iPhone X wallpapers: You might be thinking why there is an iPhone related article in the Android related website. Our love towards Android never dies. But, there is no hurt in keeping the wallpaper of your own choice. Even it is from iPhone or anything else.
Just a few movements ago Apple introduced new iPhones. This year Apple came up with 3 iPhones: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X. But, iPhone X steals the whole launch event due to its bezel less display. It looks like iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus didn’t even launch at the same event.
Anyway, as we are android lovers we don’t need to worry about that. Now you can use iPhone 8 and iPhone X wallpapers on your Android device with just a few clicks. Download iPhone 8 and iPhone X wallpapers from below links.
⇒ Download iPhone 8 wallpapers
⇒ Download iPhone X wallpapers
Download the ZIP files from above and extract the files using File Manager (File Manager Explorer recommended). After extracting the iPhone 8 and iPhone X wallpapers zip file set the wallpaper of your choice.
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