Education plays a very crucial role in the life of every individual. If we consider our country India, then the first question of every individual is how much you have studied or what are you studying. People characterize and categorize others on the basis of the type of education an individual gets.
Education and studying is a continuous process for an individual to learn. It can be done through observation or by following the instructions which are given by our teachers, parents or what we can collect through a general discussion between a bunch of people. An individual doesn’t require any specific time to get educated, as learning doesn’t require any age.
#Purpose of Education
If an individual is very well educated then it benefits the person a lot. It helps in creating respect and dignity of the individual in the society. It also helps the individual to choose the career. Proper selection in choose the type of stream in which the person wants to pursue and excel in future depends on a lot of aspects which will only happen if the person has been guided properly from a well-educated person. This helps the person to choose whether to start preparing for Top B.Tech colleges in India or go for medical or any other stream. Many get a chance to go for top government colleges or private institutes with a good environment to get high quality of education with all the basic amenities which are completely modified according to the advancement in technology. Some of these colleges are CGC Landran, Jain University, Amity, etc.
#Effect on Business
Education has created a lot of job opportunities for many people in our country. The priority in our country is education and for that, the number of institutions in our country creates job opportunities for the teachers who will impart knowledge to other people showing a keen interest in studying. It also has to lead to the creation of job opportunities for the booksellers, bus drivers, private tuitions, etc so that people get a chance to impart knowledge as well as earn for their living. Education has created a diversified number of branches to start or process business. Each an every aspect of this type of business is completely dependent on each other.
Competition in business has brought a revolutionary change in the field of education. Competiton has lead to innovation which in turn has changed the scenario of imparting knowledge and getting educated. People are now switching to online education due to advancement in technology which has created a lot of new job opportunities. The innovation of new ideas is due to competition which is like a wheel with motors as it never runs out fuel. Although the competition has diluted the bounds or limits it gave something which came up with some efficient pros and some very confusing cons and experts are still working on the cons to minimize its effects.
#Effect on Society
Education has completely changed the scenario of what society thinks and of course has altered many of the rules and regulations which has been followed blindly for past many years. Education has taught the society the importance of women and to respect them. If we consider an example, then the most famous was abolishing the Sathi Pratha where the lady was burnt along with the dead body of his husband.
Education affects the personality of an individual too as it teaches the person how to react to different situations, helps in creating new goals and the most important is that it makes the person a good and noble person with sensible and logical thinking.
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