Riot is doing some remaining changes as the League of Legends Patch 10.3 release date is coming near. These are the balance changes that are due for the release next week.
Earlier, they confirm the small rework for Wukong and Yuumi while at the same time disappointing Akali by nerfing her mobility and escape options.
Yesterday, Riot’s lead gameplay designer Mark Yetter tweeted that some of the more dominant and popular champions of 10.2 are under their microscope. The balance team is coming with some nerfs for them while polishing some of the more disappointing picks like Azir and Corki.
Yetter also tweeted that not everything is ready, and some changes will be up for a twist, and some minor changes before the patch will hit the live servers.
The upcoming changes in League of Legends Patch 10.3 are:
- The shift in base health regeneration from 9.25 to 8.
- From 16 to 8 seconds to 18 to 12 seconds, W cooldown is changing.
- W base damages are changing from 90 to 230 to 90 to 210.
Ekko Jungle
- Base attack speed changed from 6.88 to 6.25.
- W stun duration changed from 2.25 to two seconds.
- Base mana changed from 420 to 375.
- W damage changed from 22 to 70 to 18 to 66.
- Q energy cost changed from 100 to 80 to 120 to 100.
- W movement speed in shroud changed from 20 to 40 percent to 30 to 50 percent decaying for two seconds on the cast.
- R1 changed from free target to target cast.
Miss Fortune
- There is a change in the attack speed per level from 3 to 2.25 percent.
Senna ADC
- Soul drop on minions Senna doesn’t kill changed from 20 to 25 percent.
- Soul drop on cannons Senna kills dropped from 100 to 2 percent.
- E self-movement speed changes from 25 % (plus four percent per 100 AP) to 20 % (plus three percent per 100 AP).
- W damages are changing from 60 to 220 to 60 to 200.
- E damages are changing from 60 to 220 to 50 to 210.
- W movement speed 20 to 40 % (30 to 60 enhanced) to 15 to 35 % (22.5 to 52.5 enhanced).
- W shield changes from 80 to 200 to 60 to 200.
- The range on Calibrum marks are changing from infinite to 2000.
- Bugfix: Second passive shot no longer crits for full damage.
- Q tornado duration changed from 1.5 seconds to two seconds.
- Q tornado damage ticks changed from three to four.
- Attack speed bonus at level one changed from zero to 10 percent.
- Passive falls off after hits from small monsters.
- Q empowered damage changes from 50 to 275 (plus 40 % AP) to 45 to 220 (plus 40 % AP) (plus 2 to 8% target current health).
- Q mana cost is changing from 85 to 110 to 90.
- W silences will not trigger a cooldown.
- E heal changes from 70 to 230 (plus 30 % AP) to 70 to 190 (plus 40 % AP).
- Five to seven to six to eight R soldier count is changing.
- Special Delivery damage per second is changing from 7.5 to 25 (plus 37.5% base AD) (plus 5% AP) to 7.5 to 25 (plus 50 % base AD) (plus 6% AP).
- When you knock enemies aside, then Special Delivery DoT duration will change from one second to 1.5 seconds.
- Mana per level is changing from 42 to 50.
- The speed per level of attack changes from 1.5 to 2.5 percent.
Changes to Jungle Experience
Jungle’s role becomes essential in League of Legends Season 10, as there was a change in the Elemental Drake. When Riot decided to nerf jungle XP gain while buffing solo lane XP gain, it didn’t make any sense.
Riot game designer Kevin “Captain Gameplay” Huang tweeted that they are going to add around 20 EXP per minute from minutes four to 18 (half of what junglers lost) by using Monster Hunter so that junglers get more jungle farm post-laning phase. Attempt to break the funnel’s leg also.
Some of the expected jungle changes that Riot is planning in League of Legends are:
Monster Hunter Buff
- Experience giant monsters grant changed from 50 to 60.
- The first massive monster bonus is changing from 165 XP to 150 XP.
- The penalty from excessively farming minions changed from -10 gold on minions, removed on jungle item completion to -13 gold on minions, removed at 14 minutes.
- Krug camp total XP changed from 160 to 165.
- Krug camp XP and gold redistributed
- Massive Krug base XP changed from 55 to 36.
- Medium Krug base XP changed from 15 to 17.
- Small Krug base XP changed from 10 to 13.
- Large Krug base gold changed from 65 to 41.
- Medium Krug base gold changed from 10 to 12.
- Small Krug base gold changed from five to eight.
Blue and Red Buff
- Base XP changed from 115 to 110.
- Monster XP level scaling
- Levels one to three are unchanged.
- Level four changed from 1.025x to 1.075x.
- Levels five to six changed from 1.1x to 1.15x.
- Level seven is unchanged.
The patch 10.3 of League of Legends is going to be a big one as it is coming with a lot of balance changes. The nerfs, buffs and jungle XP twists are bound to bring a significant shift in the League of Legends game.
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