The lead game designer of the League of Legends, Mark Yetter, released unofficial notes for the forthcoming second patch of 2020, 10.2.
The patch notes reveal a Wukong rework, which was in the works for some time but was not ready during the 10.1 patch release, as per the recent tweet of Mark Yetter. There is no information concerning the release date. Testing of patch 10.2 just started, and it may take some time for the update. If everything goes well, the update will go live with two weeks.
Riot Games is progressing Wukong rework in the patch 10.2 with the three objectives.
Shift the power of Wukong towards the early game. And to move it away from the late game while the power remains neutral in the long run.
Provide Wukong players the tools that they need to feel competitively viable in the early lane phase or jungle.
Create new opportunities for the outplay, which enhances the identity of Wukong as a tricky, uniquely mobile skirmisher with a hit-and-run combat pattern.
Some of the changes made to the 10.2 patch update for League Of Legends are:
Wukong – Changed:
- Base armor increased from 34 to 38.
Strength of Stone (Passive):
- Entering brush or stealth grants Wukong a shield that is equal to 10% of his maximum health. This effect can trigger every 12 seconds.
Crushing Blow (Q):
- 8/7/6/5/4 seconds cooldown
- It costs 25 mana
- The next attack of Wukong is a crushing blow. Gains 125 new range and deals <20/40/60/80/100 (+50% bAD)> bonus physical damage.
- Wukong and the clone deal 5/10/15/20/25% bonus damage for the next 4 seconds to the target
Warrior Trickster (W):
- 22/20/18/16/14 seconds cooldown
- It costs about 50/55/60/65/70 mana
- Wukong dashes toward the cursor. It becomes invisible for 1 second, leaves behind a stationary clone for 3 seconds. The clone attacks nearby enemies. Wukong has recently damaged for <50/62.5/75/87.5/100% AD> damage.
- Stealth – Invisible: Only nearby Turrets or True Sight can reveal Wukong.
- The range of the clone auto-attack increased by 100
- Increase in the duration by .25 seconds, making time for one more AA.
Nimbus Strike (E):
- 10 seconds cooldown
- It costs around 45/50/55/60/65 mana
- Wukong dashes to an enemy. Sends out clones that mimic the dash up to two additional enemies nearby. Each enemy struck takes <65/100/135/170/205 (+80% bAD)> magic damage.
- Wukong will gain <30/35/40/45/50%> Attack Speed for 4 seconds after dashing an enemy.
Cyclone (R):
- 120 seconds cooldown
- It costs 100 mana
- Wukong spins his staff around for 4 seconds. Deals <20/110/200 (+125% AD)> physical damage per second to nearby enemies. Further knocks them for up to 1 second when they get hit for the first time. For the duration, Wukong gains 30/40/50% Movement Speed.
- Stormrazor will have its Attack damage reduced to 50 from 55.
- Cloak of Agility would have its crit chance reduced to 20% from 25%, to nerf 4 Cloak build on ADCs.
- Nautilus Q damage reduced to 70-250 from 80-280.
- Aphelios would be hit hard with nerfs to his Clibrum (Rifle or Sniper) Q Cooldown increased to 10-8 from 9-6. Mark damage reduced to 15+(20% Bonus AD) from 20-40+(30% Bonus AD). Severum(Regen Pistol) Q damage reduced to 30% Bonus AD per hit from 35% Bonus AD, reduced Mini Crescendum(Chakram) AD values.
- Qiyana W attack speed is not flat 20% at all levels. It will increase to 25% from 5% based on its rank.
- Frozen Heart armor increased to 110 from 100.
- Rift Herald health reduced to 7125-14250 from 8250-16500, making it easier to kill.
- Draven R Bonus AD further increases with level to (110%/130%/150%) increase now rather than the flat 110% at all levels.
- Karma Q damage increased to 90-270 from 80-260. And also, W damage increased to 40-140 from 30-130.
- Lulu base armor increased to 29 from 28.22. Base AD raised to 47 from 46.368. E cooldown reduced to 8 secs from 10 seconds.
- Trundle W movement speed increased to 30-50% from 20-40%. E slow increased to 20-60% from 15-55%.
- Viktor‘s Hex core, bug fixed, and now giving him base mana per level (25) instead of hex-core mana value (5-15). It would give him around 300 more mana at level 18.
- Ziggs Q damage increased to 80-280 from 75-250. W knockback increased to 500 from 400.
- Sona E haste percentage increased for both Sona and allies. For Sona: increase to 25% (+4/100 AP) from 10-14 (+3%/100 AP). For allies: increase to 10-16% (+4%/100 AP) from 0-14 (+3%/100 AP).
- Jinx passive “Get Excited” now triggers as well as after killing epic monsters.
However, the changes are only for PBE and after proper testing, it will go into the live servers.
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