Minecraft is the most popular game under the Sandbox genre, and the creator of it is a Swedish developer, Markus Persson. The publisher of the game is Mojang. But later, Microsoft Studios bought it in 2014.
A lot of rumors were coming out last month regarding the shutdown of the game. There are many news reports which are saying that the game will shut down in 2020. But, nothing is going to happen like this. Also, the news of shut down was spread by fake websites for taking some attention.
From the last two months, many Minecraft players are asking about the update 1.16. Now, they can feel happy as developers release the snapshot of the Nether update. This snapshot is having new biomes, blocks, and a fancy new ore named as “ancient debris.”
The version of Java Snapshot is 20W06A and features many new things. Such as New Nether Blocks, there is the addition of Crimson Forest Biome, the addition of Hoglins, Netherite is also added, the addition of Soul Sand Valley & even the addition of many new blocks. The complete details of the snapshot are down below.
Features in 20W06A
- There is an addition of new Nether blocks.
- Now, the Knockback resistance is a scale instead of a probability.
- There is an addition of the Crimson Forest biome to the Nether.
- The addition of Hoglins.
- When the players are close to any village, then patrols are no longer to spawn.
- Addition of the Netherite.
- There is an addition of the Soul sand Valley biome to the Nether.
- Now, walls don’t have the gaps when they stacked vertically.
- There is an addition of Warped Forest biome to the Nether.
- Many new block types are added.
- Two new wood-like materials come into the game, i.e., Crimson Stems and Warped Stems.
- The Basalt blocks are that a player can find them as pillars, but they can be placed in any directions.
- New ground surface blocks also came: Crimson Nylium and Warped Nylium.
- New vegetation in the game are Nether Sprouts, Crimson Roots, and Warped Roots.
- Two types of Fungicame in the game: Crimson and Warped – try using a bone meal to grow them.
- Warped Wart blocks are added in the game.
- Weeping Vines that grow from the bottom of a block downwards also added.
- A new natural light source in the game is Shroomlights.
- There is an addition of Soul Soil. Whenever fire burns on Soul Soil, then it burns with a blue flame.
- Soul Soil can be used to craft Soul Torches, and those can be crafted into Soul Lanterns.
- The use of bone meal on Netherrack can now spread Nylium.
Crimson Forest
Crimson Forests can now be found in the Nether.
- Crimson nylium carpets the cave floor with all kinds of strange new vegetation
- Huge Crimson Fungi makes up the trees of the forest and with the Shroomlights lighting up the forest floor.
- Weeping Vines grow up from the cave ceilings and fungi.
- Hoglins will hike these forests.
- Crimson spores crisp through the air.
A new high-level material found in the Nether. Plyers can use it to upgrade their diamond gear.
How To Make Netherite
- The Mine Ancient Debris in the lower depths of the Nether. It is at its own risk. There is no insurance coverage for that.
- After that, refine it into Netherite Scrap in a Furnace.
- Then combine 4 Nether Scrap with 4 Gold Ingots in a crafting table to make it a Netherite Ingot.
Netherite Effects
- The netherite items float in lava, so the players don’t have to lose all their gear after having that unplanned lava bath.
- The netherite items have higher charm value than diamonds.
- The netherite tools work faster and last longer than the diamond.
- The netherite weapons do more damages than the diamond does.
- The netherite armor has higher toughness and durability than diamond.
- The netherite armor gives the player a knockback resistance, so they barely get knocked back at all when hit by arrows.
Soul Sand Valley
Soul sand Valleys can now easily be found in the Nether.
- There is an open space made up of Soul Sand and Soul Soil.
- The Basalt pillars move from floor to ceiling.
- The fossil remains the unknown creatures from the past litter the valley.
- In the game, the ash falls through the air.
- There is a light blue glow that hides the valley.
- Players have to beware of Skeletons.
- The ghasts sounds are now heard from the shorter range.
- There is an updation in block sounds for Bone Blocks, Netherrack, Soul Sand, Netherwart, Nether Bricks, and Quartz Ore.
Warped Forest
Warped Forests is now available in the Nether.
- The warped nylium carpets the cave floor with all of the kinds of strange new vegetation.
- The significant Warped Fungi make up the “trees” of this forest, with the Shroomlights, which lights up the forest floor.
- There is a dark blue fog which covers the forest.
- The warped spores swirl through the air.
- The Warped Forests are strange, but it is the least hostile place of Nether.
World Generation
- The old Nether biome is now called as the Nether Wastes.
- It is made up of shipwrecks, and ocean ruins a bit less common.
Technical Changes In 20W06A
- It adds a locate biome command.
It is a new command which locates a specified biome. It is useful in creative mode when the players are looking for a specific biome, and they don’t want to fly around randomly searching for it.
Syntax: locatebiome <biome>
biome – The id of the biome to find
- New particle types: ash, crimson_spore, soul_fire_flame, and warped_spore
- Nailed Entity shadows to the ground.
Fixed Bugs In 20W06A
- MC-17431 – Shift-clicking stacked items with a data tag into the enchanting table GUI removes data tags from the moved item
- MC-45619 – Water, Signs, Vines, Torches, etc. in the same block as item frame break item frame’s Redstone signal
- MC-52178 – Cape doesn’t move down while sneaking / Cape detaches from the body while sneaking
- MC-59363 – Items in item frames are deleted if both mouse buttons are used simultaneously
- MC-82235 – Baby pigs turn into adult zombie pigmen when struck by lightning
- MC-92889 – Mending doesn’t always consume experience if the player wears items with mending that are already fully repaired
- MC-93198 – Throwing potions / throwable projectiles causes both hands to bob up and down
- MC-93631 – Pistons pop off blocks attached to their back when retracting
- MC-96436 – Eggs/snowballs/xp-bottles break instantly when thrown while riding a horse
- MC-97958 – Small slime has no jump or squish sound
- MC-103655 – Cats don’t stand up when using right click on them while they’re sitting on chests or beds
- MC-109370 – the Bottom face of column blocks are rotated 180 degrees
- MC-109844 – en_us.json contains unused strings
- MC-109850 – Redstone wire doesn’t have a bottom texture
- MC-112630 – Carrot on a stick cannot be broken
- MC-113381 – Falling dust particles of anvil and concrete powder blocks are black
- MC-120335 – Flowerpot bottom texture is not rendered because of incorrect “UV” values in the model file
- MC-131440 – The message for trying to sleep at the wrong time implies that you can only sleep at night during a thunderstorm
- MC-131770 – Rain particles appear one block below the water or lava surface
- MC-132607 – Splitting slimes and magma cubes do not copy NoAI value
- MC-134162 – Item entities can break turtle eggs
- MC-136868 – Ignited TNT, arrow or trident turns black when it falls on soul sand or snow layers
- MC-138600 – Cats don’t bring gifts if they have already decided to sit on your bed
- MC-140544 – Pickaxes don’t speed up piston breaking
- MC-148474 – Sloped powered detector rails break when pushed or pulled by a piston
- MC-149052 – Stonecutter recipe list doesn’t show item tooltips
- MC-149776 – Cartography Table requires string for the recipe to show up in the recipe book
- MC-150020 – Composter is in the “Miscellaneous” category instead of “Decoration” like the other workstation blocks
- MC-154867 – Tamed cats remain sitting if the world is reloaded while the cat is sitting on a chest
- MC-158807 – You can remove cursed enchantments on items by repairing them in inventory
- MC-159300 – Villagers that have been infected by a zombie can despawn, even if they have been traded with
- MC-159773 – Shulkers can teleport to non-solid faces, and don’t teleport to some solid faces
- MC-159918 – Foxes don’t run from polar bears
- MC-159963 – Minecarts can break turtle eggs
- MC-160897 – Dropping an item using the drop key displays the hand animation but dropping items from within the inventory does not
- MC-160902 – Arm swings when right-clicking on a full minecart
- MC-161156 – Silverfish, and endermites appear black on soul sand
- MC-161259 – Using the carrot on a stick while riding a pig plays no hand animation
- MC-162881 – Composter doesn’t display particles when being fed composting items through a hopper
- MC-163286 – /setblock ~ ~ ~ air destroy does not destroy liquids
- MC-164184 – Breaking a shulker box with contents in Creative mode drops the block at an incorrect location
- MC-164948 – Entity shadow renders through transparent blocks
- MC-167077 – Foxes sleep on top of honey blocks, even in broad daylight
- MC-167512 – Glass in hand is rendered differently depending on the “Clouds” setting
- MC-167989 – Spawn point is not set when monsters are nearby
- MC-168540 – Threads created by net.minecraft.Util.backgroundExecutor() have misleading names
- MC-168772 – Experience orbs can crush turtle eggs
- MC-169679 – Composters do not make sounds when fed by hoppers
- MC-169692 – Entity shadow floats slightly above the ground
- MC-169832 – Transparent item models have inconsistent rendering when a glowing entity is present
- MC-170128 – Cannot build an EntityType without a data fixer due to an IllegalArgumentException
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