Hits and misses aren’t new for tech companies of the giant nature. Microsoft by no means a company that can be discarded or written off for a couple of failures here and there. In fact, Microsoft inspires many newbies on sustainability and substance.
Microsoft has been the pioneer for many of the computing products we can’t think today’s life without, like Windows, MS Office, XBox and many others. However, Microsoft has seen users diminishing Microsoft Internet Explorer and Music System for being pathetically designed and featured.
Although, It seems that Microsoft is again on the winning path with redesigning in the repackaging of Internet Explorer as Microsoft Edge. Microsoft has introduced Microsoft edge for the iOS and Android.
So far is the Microsoft edge is concerned was ready to rectify all the mistakes that it made during the Internet Explorer. Microsoft age is much faster, provides authentic and quicker results using Bing, and integrates Cortana for effective voice assistance.
Although, it’s way too far from being a dominant market force. However, reviews suggest Microsoft efforts behind Edge have been praised for new features, speed, and reliability. Besides, OneDrive integration, Cortana functionality, PDF Reader, and night mode features are one of the best among those appreciated by the users.
However, if would only be a miracle if users go overboard praising these features labeling it as a big success of Microsoft. Reason being, there is a lesser scope for having the broader market for tablets across the globe.
However, for now, Microsoft, which has been testing Edge for Apple iPad for months have finally announced the launch of Microsoft Edge for Apple tablet products. Although it doesn’t support the split screen feature, it is believed to be enhanced to that level fairly quickly. Similarly, Edge for Android was also launched.
The best part about Microsoft Edge is it syncs all the devices in one and makes the entire history available. You also send PC to tablet.
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