After every OS (Operating System) improvement you feel happy. After the installation completes, we face so many different experiences with our phone.
Suppose, OTA (Over-The-Air) brings some problems in the phone then? Recently, some smartphones user had a bad experience after installing Android 10. Google Pixel users faced call end bug, media volume issues, and app shortcuts bug. Similarly, OnePlus users also faced the issue of screen calibration glitches and more.
Smartphone users are not happy with the Chinese OEM after getting some additional updates after the leading OTA. OnePlus 6/6T users are still getting the same bugs that they get from Android 10.
One of the OnePlus 6T users posted that he is on the Android 10 official build. This version is making his phone slow while scrolling. One user posted a list of bugs he is facing after the Android 10 version. The problems he faced were occasionally there is a drop in frames while scrolling or swiping. He also said that Bluetooth is taking too much time to connect with any other device and more.
The frame drops have affected screen recording too. Users posted their experiences about 20 days back and still, this problem continues. There are a lot of complaints on Reddit regarding this. Users also wrote on the official support forum too.
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