Minccino, a new Pokemon, basically found in the Unova region, is going to be available on Pokemon Go through the special Limited Research event. The event starts on Sunday, February 2, 2020, from 2 Pm to 5 Pm.
As we all know that Pokemon Go is celebrating the Year of the Rat, and on account of it, the game announced the Lunar New Year Event that starts from January 24, 2020, and ends on February 3, 2020.
On Tuesday, Niantic posted, “In celebration of the Year of the Rat, a Limited Research event that features Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon. It will appear in Pokemon GO for a special Limited Research event. Professor Willow has also uncovered that Minccino can evolve into Cinccino through the use of a Unova Stone!“
During that event itself, Pokemon Go would add the Limited Research event to it. The event would last only for three hours. The Limited Research event would give the players a chance to encounter Minccino, a new Pokemon for the first time.
Players will also find the Minccino at 5 Km eggs at a higher rate during the limited research event. Whereas they will still arrive at 5 Km eggs but on a lesser frequency.
For the limited three hours event, players will also encounter more Pokemon, which fit into the theme of the Year of the Rat. They are Pikachu, Rattata, Sandshrew, Raticate, Nidoran (F), Marill, Nidoran(M), Sentret, Zigzagoon, Minun, Plusle, Bidoof, and Patrat.
Minccino shiny added into the game along with the normal color, so the lucky players can hunt for one!
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