About Mi MIX 2
Xiaomi Mi MIX 2 was launched in September 2017 which shipped with Android 7.1. Mi MIX 2 is packed with a 5.9-inch and 6 / 8 GB of RAM with Snapdragon 835 chipset, Li-Po 3400 mAh battery, and 12MP Camera.
Floko brings Android 9 support for the Xiaomi Mi MIX 2. The developer of the Floko for Mi MIX 2 is karin722.
- Follow the instructions properly.
- For Custom ROM, a user has to install ADB Drivers – Windows | Mac.
- First, take the full backup then unlock the bootloader.
- After that, install the TWRP.
- Your device should be 80% charge while doing this process.
How to install the Floko On Mi MIX 2
If you are facing any issue during the installation process, feel free to ask your queries in the comment section below.
Source: XDA
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