Xposed utilizes modules, little applications that plug directly into the Android operating system and offer you unprecedented control over the look and feel of the smartphone. And despite its immense power, you can also undo the changes simply by uninstalling or deactivating modules, rebooting your device.
As we all know, to install Xposed Framework the device need to be rooted because the xposed framework will replace the ART runtime and app-process. But we have got good news is now you can run Xposed Modules on your device using XDA Junior Member weishu’s app VirtualXposed.
VirtualApp makes all the apps run inside the application and it uses Epic to hook the process to Xposed. VirtualApp and Epic are open-source libraries and available on GitHub. Now walk through the below points to see how the VirtualXposed application works.
- All apps run inside VirtualApp
A few Android applications require to enable to run apks as plugins within the original app. (You required to purchase a license to use for commercial purpose) - It uses Epic to actually process xposed hooks -This is an open-source library, actually inspired from xposed itself, to get a programmer to”hook” in their own apps.
- VirtualXposed is essentially a launcher which wraps around the above two libraries, letting you install programs into the launcher which run beneath VirtualApp, and that can be hooked using Epic.
VirtualXposed Features
- You can hide the resident notification of VirtualXposed now.
- new Xposed Module manages UI in settings.
- Allow installing apk without signatures.
- fix a bug of an Xposed module with multiple entries.
- fix a bug of Xposed when invoking the original method.
- add initial support for x86.
- fix the crash when installing an app in some situation.
Install VirtualXposed APP and Xposed Module
- Open VirtualXposed App, long click the screen or Click on the Drawer Button at the bottom of the homepage, add your desired APP and Xposed Module.
Three Methods to install an Xposed Module or APP to VirtualXposed
- Clone an installed app from your original system. (Click on button Homepage (on the bottom) -> Add App -> you will see the list of installed apps.)
- Install via an APK file. (Click on button Homepage (on the bottom) -> Add App -> you will see the list of APKs found in your storage)
- Install via file explorer. (Click on button Homepage (on the bottom) -> Add App -> click on floating button -> choose an APK file -> install)
You can Install Xposed modules form Xposed installer.
Activate the Xposed Module in VirtualXposed.
Open Xposed Installer in the VirtualXposed app, in the module fragment, check the module you want to use.
One more good thing about this app is you no need to reboot your whole device after installing the modules, you just need to reboot VirtualXposed. Go to Settings from the homepage -> Click on reboot button.
Have you installed Virtualxposed on your device? let us know in the comment section below.
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