About Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T
Xiaomi Redmi K20 / Mi 9T was launched in June 2019 with MIUI 10 based on Android 9.0 (Pie). The device sports a 48 MP camera with 4/6 GB RAM. It is powered by a 4000 mAh battery that helps in the fast charging of the device.
The XDA developer of the LineageOS 17.1 for the device is PIPIPIG233666. Android 10 has a lot of features such as Gesture Navigations, Location control, Wi-Fi and QR codes, Live Caption, Privacy settings, and many more.
- Follow the instructions properly.
- For Custom ROM, a user has to install ADB Drivers – Windows | Mac.
- First, take the full backup then unlock the bootloader.
- After that, install the TWRP.
- Your device should be atleast 80% charged for this process.
Reporting Bugs
- DO NOT report bugs if you’re running a custom kernel or you installed Xposed
- Grab a logcat right after the problem has occurred. (Please include at least a few pages of the log, not just the last few lines, unless you know what you’re doing.)
- If it is a random reboot, grab /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops and /sys/fs/pstore/dmesg-ramoops-0. (Do not bother getting a logcat unless you can get it just before the reboot. A logcat after a reboot is useless)
- If the problem disappears after running “setenforce 0” from a root shell, grab /data/misc/audit/audit.log
How to install LineageOS 17.1 In Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T (Android 10)?
If you are facing any issues during installation then feel free to ask your questions in the comments section below.
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